404 Parts & Service Providers:
It is very difficult to find 404 parts consistently from North American suppliers. There are a few foreign and classic car dealers that trade old or NOS parts on eBay or Craigslist and you can find a few compatible replacement parts on amazon or at auto supply stores, but no one has a complete parts catalog at this point in North America. Below is a list of a limited number of North American used 404 parts providers, a list of companies that rebuild 404 parts here, and sources for useful services, restoration and maintenance supplies in North America. Here we also list the best 404 parts and specialty service providers to use in Europe.
As a member of the 404 Club, one is entitled to purchase a large number of 404 NOS, newly manufactured, and used parts at discounted prices. You should join the club for 50 euros and we will help you coordinate an order with the 404 Club from France if you know what you need and are not in a hurry. They do not have everything, but volunteers will often help you find and coordinate orders with commercial vendors and consolidate shipping for you. You can also shop directly for your desired part/s using the following recommended commercial sources below in Europe.
It is relatively easy to order parts from French, UK and German suppliers. Often on eBay, you can find 404 parts from Europe very reasonably, but shipping is often pricey. Colissimo international shipping (www.collissimo.fr ) from the French post office is extremely quick and efficient with tracking and easy customs clearing. In the US, we have never had a problem or had to pay customs duty for parts for personal use. In Canada, customs duty is often charged. One of the things to ask for when ordering parts from EU vendors is to have the Value Added Tax (TVA=20% in France, MwSt=19% in Germany) deducted for delivery to NA. Most suppliers will deduct when asked and it often pays the cost for expensive shipping. For rare parts you can also search the French equivalent of Craigslist called, www.leboncoin.com to find what you need. It is difficult to contact sellers (they often block foreign addresses on this site). When you find what you want on www.leboncoin.com you need to ask a French Club 404 member or a trusted parts supplier such as Gilles Gouret of Alveas (see below) to buy it for you and pay him a supplemental % fee.
North American 404 Parts Suppliers:
Western Hemispheres: Web site: www.westernhemispheres.com / Tel: 831-786-9347 / email: parts@westernhemispheres.com / Address: 150 West Lake Ave. Watsonville, CA 95076
Description: A French car parts supplier with many Peugeot, Citroën and Renault model parts. Not alot of 404 parts left, but you can find some.
Vintage Imports Inc Foreign Car Parts: Ebay seller based in Franklin, Ohio carrying many old 404 parts. Website store: http://stores.ebay.com/vintageimportsinc/
Michel (Mike) Aube of G&A Auto Sales and Service: Email: maube@gaauto.ca / Tel:(613)-535-2048 / Address: 12343 County Road 18, Williamsburg, Ontario K0C 2H0 Canada / Website: http://www.gaauto.ca/pages/about.html
Description: Mike still works on and restores many models of Peugeots and is active on the Peugeot Forums. He has some limited parts, but can be a helpful resource to contact for advice.
Brian Holm - Peugeot Parts VT: Email: peugeots@vtlink.net Tel: 802-454-7132
Description: Brian had a number of old Peugeot 404 salvage cars and has a few NOS parts left. His supply of 404 parts is limited now, but he has a great deal of Peugeot knowledge and can often refer one to the right place.
European Based 404 Parts Suppliers:
Largest and Most Affordable 404 Parts Shippers to USA/Canada:
La Boutique 404 - Alveas - Owner: Gilles Gouret Tel: 33 0687393034 Email:alveas@neuf.fr Website: http://www.boutique-de-la-404.com/fr/. Address: 17 rue des Sources, Maurepas 78310 France.
Description: Gilles is one of the most honest, competent and helpful 404 parts suppliers. He used to work for Peugeot in Argentina where there are still many 404s on the road. He sources many parts from there and elsewhere and has an excellent knowledge of the 404. He offers a 10% discount for 404 Club members and has been very involved with the club. Gilles often will help group parts from other suppliers and consolidate shipping in one transatlantic order. He has even ordered and negotiated for parts on a french craigslist equivalent called www.leboncoin.com.
Serie04 - Owner: Thiery Bluet: English version of site: http://www.serie04.com/en/ or French: http://www.serie04.com/fr/
Description: Serie04 has own of the largest catalogs of 404 parts and a very slick web site at very economical prices. They also offer used parts at times and will rebuild parts like clutches, brakes, etc. on standard exchange conditions (you send in your old part and they send you rebuild part, but expensive with shipping). Serie04 also deducts the TVA from orders shipped to North America. The only down side with Serie04 is that it is almost 100% internet and email based service and little chance for live conversation. When you create an account on their site and put in a North American address all the prices on site are then adjusted without TVA. They also keep a complete online file of all your past orders in your profile and offer direct tracking on their site. Many people have complained about the customer service on the French club Forum because they cannot contact Thierry directly by phone when they want an answer to a question or there is an issue. That being said, many NA owners have ordered dozens of international shipments and never had a problem.
La Musee Peugeot - Contact: Bruno Garovo email: bruno.garovo@peugeot.com website: http://www.museepeugeot.com/fr/musee-de-laventure-peugeot/peugeot-classic-pieces-de-rechanges.html
Description: The Peugeot Classic department is a parts department associated with the Peugeot Museum. Bruno Garovo is an extremely helpful and responsive director of the parts service. They have an extensive catalog of NOS 404 parts that are very affordable. They have also reproduced some difficult to find parts such as a Kugelfischer injection pump rebuild kit, an injection pump drive belt, an exhaust heat shield, etc. The reproduction parts tend to be more expensive, but great quality. If you join the museum (l'Aventure Peugeot, 23 Euros) you can get a 10% discount on all parts. They also deduct the TVA and shipping is quick and affordable with them. You just need to email Bruno directly and ask him for a specific part or for a complete parts spreadsheet you can search.
Other French Suppliers to Use in order to find Difficult Parts not found at above (May require shipment to french address for consolidated shipping - and unfortunately usually no TVA deduction):
Franzose or Cipere: German and French versions of the same company. Tel:+ 49 4441 9161912 German Site in English: https://www.franzose.de/en/Home/ French site: https://www.cipere.fr/fr/Home/
Description: Great catalogue of 404 parts with very competitive prices, but sometimes difficult to navigate because they don’t use original Peugeot parts numbers in their search or reference. They also have stopped shipping directly to the USA because of a lawsuit with a brakes issue. This often requires shipping orders through to another supplier or friend in France and sent on to you.
West Auto Collection: Web site: http://west-auto-collection.com/pieces-auto/
Description: They have a relatively large selection of 404 parts, but are not as economical as La Boutique and Serie04, but sometimes they have certain parts that the others don’t. For example, they carried side parking lights and hydrovac diaphragm and rebuild kits when others didn’t. They will ship to North America.
Depanoto: Web site: http://www.depanoto-boutique.com
Description: Smaller collection of 404 parts, but sometimes they have parts such as molded hoses or wiper reservoirs that other suppliers don’t carry. Never have ordered for direct NA shipping, but Todd has ordered and shipped to a French address for consolidated order shipping.
Melun Auto Passion: http://www.melun-retro-passion.com
Description: Another 404 parts supplier that has a smaller collection of parts and isn’t as consistently affordable as others. The site does offer English translation, but the parts navigation and reference number ID is a little difficult.
TealMaxLion: Ebay Supplier: www.tealmaxlion.com
Contact: Alexandre Dechezelles Email: contact@tealmaxlion.com
Description: I have bought many small difficult to find parts from Alexandre. Sometimes a bit more expensive, but easy to find parts and order via email. Shipping is quick and delivery guaranteed via ebay.
UK Based Peugeot Parts Supplier:
UK Peugeot Auto Parts: Dean Hunter Email: DHU8506676@AOL.COM website: http://www.peugeotparts.co.uk
Description: Very extensive list of used and some NOS Peugeot parts. Can be more expensive than others, but sometimes they carry items that others don’t because they are in the UK and don’t have same demand on rare parts. Todd found a lock for a glove box and a cold start injector that was not available any where else in France at the time, and Mike found NOS headlight rings for the 404C before they were remanufactured commercially, and front turn indicator lenses for the 404C.
Reliable German Peugeot 404 Sources:
Lowenland24: Owner: Peter Teuffel Tel. +49 7152 902577 Email: teupet@arco.de Website: www.lowenland24.de / Ebay store: http://stores.ebay.de/loewenland24
Description: Peter Teuffel is a German Peugeot expert who offers many 404 parts one cannot find anywhere else and ships directly to the USA. He had a large collection of remanufactured chrome headlight rings for Cabriolets and Coupes for example. He speaks English and responds attentively to email and calls. His website is in German, but believe you can translate via Google translate. Peter has also been a great help with the 404 Registry.
Passion 404: Owner: Joern Haarmann: Tel: +49 (0) 38875/229411 / Email: joernhaarmann@freenet.de
Description: Joern is a German Peugeot enthusiast and expert who speaks English and can source hard to find parts upon request via email or phone. No real website presence, but he has been a dependable parts suppliers and consultant to several North American members. Some of his NOS parts are ridiculously rare, and fairly priced.
Swiss Peugeot 404 Source:
Vollenveider Classic Peugeot Parts: Tel: +41 44 760 26 71 / Email: dream-cars@bluewin.ch / Website: http://peugeot-teile.com
Description: Swiss classic Peugeot part supplier. Website in German, but again can translate site or search via Peugeot parts number. Little more expensive at times with Swiss Franc exchange rate. They accept Paypal. Not a steady go to parts supplier, but again can be used to try and find rare parts. For example, it was the only site recently that carried a Hydrovac vacuum pressure warning switch when searching. Not sure about international shipping.
Specialty 404 Parts & Rebuild Services:
Starters & Alternators Rebuilt:
Armature Service Co. - Owner: Eddie Hairston / Email: eddie.hairston@armitureserviceco.com / Tel: 501-565-7259 website: http://www.armatureserviceco.com / Address: 5804 S. University Ave., Little Rock AR 72209 --
Description: Armiture services is extremely inexpensive and does a great job at rebuilding Ducellier starters ($100), alternators / generators, and small engine (electric fuel pumps, wiper motors, etc).
Tele Ignition -Owner: Paul Irwin: http://www.teleignition.com Tel: (781) 899-6607 -address: 191B Felton St, Waltham, MA
Description: rebuilds & adapts classic car alternators & starters. He adapted a GM alternator to a one wire system for Todd's 404 replacing an old Ducellier generator for $150.
Brake Hydrovac & Cylinders rebuilt:
Hydrovac rebuild parts are more and more difficult to find. However, Le Club 404 is working on producing and offering a complete Hydrovac rebuild kit for its members. Limited Hydrovac rebuild parts and kits are also available from commercial suppliers in France.
US Based Rebuilder:
White Post Restoration - Owner: WR Thompson - contact Bill Telephone: (540) 837-1140 Web: http://www.whitepost.com Address: One Old Car Drive, Post Office Drawer D, White Post, VA 22663
Description: White Post has been doing restorations and rebuilding brake parts for decades. They have experience rebuilding Peugeot 404 Bendix Brake Hydrovacs and cylinders. They offer a lifetime warranty as well. We have negotiated a fixed price to rebuild Hydrovacs for $425 + rebuild kit parts for 404 club members. They do cylinder rebuilds with brass sleeves inserted with lifetime warranty for $85.
European Hydrovac Rebuilders:
Inter Service Freins: Contact: Guy Vaervanke Email: GV@interservicefreins.com Web: http://www.interservicefreins.com
Description: One of largest and most reliably cited references for having a Hydrovac rebuilt in France. They offer a week turn around and a 30% reduction for 404 Club members for rebuilds: 480 euro with TVA for club members vs 620 with TVA for non members. They will deduct TVA if shipping to USA, but shipping costs both ways costs are over $200. They also will provide a hydrovac rebuild kit and large diaphragm if pressed - but for around 220 Euros.
Freinage 95: Tel: +33 05 53 48 68 44 / Email: freinage95@orange.fr / Website:
Description: This is a recommended source for rebuilding Hydrovacs by French Le Club 404 members. They charge 490 Euros to rebuild your old Hydrovac and it takes about 1 month. But one needs to pay around $200 for shipping both ways from NA.
MBP 27: Ebay supplier of small Hydrovac components: Contact: Martial Proust Email: martial.proust@wanadoo.fr Web site: stores.ebay.com/MPB-27-pieces-automobile-collection/Peugeot
Description: Provider on eBay that often provides seals, pistons and check valves for 404 Hydrovacs. Recently, Todd ordered individual Hydrovac pieces from here affordably to have a booster repaired vs paying for a whole kit.
Hydrovac Rebuild Kits: West Auto Parts in France (http://west-auto-collection.com/pieces-auto/) do offer a limited Hydrovac rebuild kit for 120 Euros and a large diaphragm for 80 Euros. Cipere also sometimes offers a hydro rebuild kit for less, but will not ship directly to the USA (maybe Canada).
Kugelfischer Injection Pump Rebuilds & Service:
The definitive place to have an injection pump rebuilt is in Germany at the Koller GmbH in Nürnberg (www.koller.de), but can be very expensive, up to 4000 Euros for a full rebuild. Below are a few other options, including in North America. Also, The Peugeot Museum offers a complete injection pump rebuild kit for approximately 200 Euros if you want to try a rebuild yourself or you have a trusted source locally. Le Club 404 also offers a limited number of gaskets and seals for head repairs. You may be able to find a fuel injection specialty house that will offer professional rebuilding services.
Nottingham Diesel Services in England: Owner/Managers: Steve Sewell and Patrick Wynne. Telephone: +44-0115-9475894, email: nds1616@gmail.com. Their address is: Hendon Rise off Wells Road, St. Anns, Nottingham England, NG3 3AN. Steve rebuilt Mike Tippett's KF pump in 2019 and also cleaned and tested 18 injectors for Mike. The injection pump refurbishment cost £800 but that price will vary depending upon the condition of the pump and its internal parts. Very professional shop and nice fellows to visit, too!
Pacific Fuel Injection: Owner: Gus Pfister Phone: +1 650-588-8880 Address: 153 Utah Ave, South San Francisco, CA 94080, USA. Description: Gus is one of the most talented fuel injected specialists in the US. He is originally from Switzerland and came to So. San Franciso to work for Bosch fuel injection in the 1970s. He has extensive experience with Kugelfischer pumps and is very well regarded. Read several interviews here: Interview 1 / Interview 2
Fred Holmes Fuel Injection: Owner: Raj Gidda / Tel. 604-273-7700 or 800-320-8166 email: info@fhfuel.com / Website: https://fhfuel.com / Address: 13466 Verdun Pl, Richmond, BC V6V 1V2 Canada
Description: Large fuel injection and diesel shop in Richmond BC Canada which can do KF pump repairs and they have a flow bench. The last few 404 KF pumps they did required a 3 or 4 week turnaround as parts are very difficult to find. If you have spare parts & rebuild kit they have expertise to fix!
H&R Fuel Injection: Owner: Hans Utke / Tel. 631-589-1600 / 1648 C Locust Ave, Bohemia, NY 11716
Description: Hans originally from Germany, has worked on 404 and 504 KF pumps and has all the tools and equipment to service. Like most he sees more BMW KF pumps these days and laments the difficulty of finding KF parts.
Wes Ingram Enterprises: Owner: Wes Ingram Phone: 360-707-5701 Email: wing@nwlink.com Website: www.wesingram.com
Description: Proven experience with rebuilding KF pumps and reconditioning injectors. With appropriate rebuild kit from the Peugeot museum or club, Wes can rebuild pumps. Do not know what the price with kit supply would be off hand, but probably pricey.
Convertible Soft Top Providers:
Comptoir de Cabriolets: Telephone: +33 04-68-41-56-01 Web: http://comptoirducabriolet.com
Description: Very large and professional provider of quality soft tops in France. They have a web site one can navigate in french or english and they have tops in stock that they will ship right away. The cost is competitive to having someone rebuild from scratch here and they will deduct the TVA for North American shipping. They advertise their tops for 868 Euros with TVA included so about 700 Euros net + shipping. Todd's was about $1,000 equivalent at the time with TVA deducted and shipping to Boston. Great top and speedy delivery service.
Old Azur: Tel: +33 06-69-49-72-72 Email: oldazur@orange.fr Web: http://oldazur.pagesperso-orange.fr/tous_les_tarifs_des_capotes_393.htm
Description: Old Azur was recommended as a quality top provider at a reasonable price by the 404 Club. They seem to be a smaller artisan shop and are less expensive than the Comptoir at 699 Euros, but Todd had a difficult time connecting with them via phone and email and negotiating a TVA deduction, etc. If one has time and can go through someone at the club to order - Old Azur is worth trying.
Rubber Joints, Seals, and Interior Fabrics:
Comptoir de Carosserie: Web: http://www.comptoir-carrosserie.fr
Description: This site offers anything to do with rubber windshield and door joints, aluminum or stainless steel profile pieces, seats, headliners, cloth, etc.
ENPI - Web: http://www.enpi-retro-auto.com/index.php?
Description: This site has a more limited 404 selection, but it also offers interior head liners for sedans and coupes and vinyl and rubber products.
Auto Racing Shop: Web: http://www.automotive-racing-shop.com/epages/4lwveijq.sf/fr_FR/?
Description: This provider offers many 404 molded rubber parts such as windshield wiper mount kits, interior steering wheel base covers, hood rests, light and blinker gaskets, etc..
Replacement Peugeot 404 VIN # (No / Ordre de Serie) Plaques:
Often the black Peugeot 404 Vin plaques on engine wall are missing or badly damaged from careless restorations. A company called Bretagne Plaques in France offers all the 404 plaques from various years and will engrave your vin # details. Cost 15 euro + shipping. Great deal and service. http://www.bretagne-plaques.fr/page-46.html
Clutch Release Bearing with Brass Ballbearings & Plate vs Graphite:
Much has been written about the durability of the original graphite infused clutch release bearing vs a modern reproduction with brass plate and ball bearings. Many have paid $120 for the new version in hopes that it will last much longer vs $40 for the conventional graphite reproduction that also have had some problems. Too early to tell, but much has to do with the installation and adjustment of each. For those that want to try the supposedly new and durable ball bearing based release bearing try Retro Roulements.
Retro Roulements: Phone: +(33) 4 78 34 70 85 Address: 1 bis rue Bellissen, France - 69340 Francheville / Email: CONTACT@RETRO-ROULEMENTS.COM / Website: www.retro-roulements.com\
Exhaust systems in Stainless Steel:
Dutch Classic Exhausts: Contact: Sander May - Website: www.dutchclassicexhausts.com and Email: info@dutchclassicexhausts.com Description: This is a Dutch member of Le Club 404 who offers new stainless steel muffler systems with a lifetime warranty for all 404 models. Todd paid 475 Euros for a complete Cabriolet injection system and carried it back from France in ski luggage. Mike also bought one from Sander, and it was shipped to him in Western Canada for well under $1000 CAD. Shipping can be expensive, but hopefully you will never have to replace your exhaust again.
Dashboards & Door Panels Replacements:
Richard Gretau: Email: richard.gretau@sfr.fr - Description: Richard is a Peugeot 404 Club member who is incredibly talented at reproducing interior molded plastic & fiberglass parts that look exactly like original vinyl parts. He also has reproduced decorative aluminum and stainless steel running board and door panel elements. He supplies custom made molded plastic dash boards (top and bottom), windshield inner support covers, door panels & other interior parts such as door check straps, door panels, and more. Can be a little pricey, but often one cannot find these parts anywhere else.
Bumpers - New Stainless Steel Reproductions for 404 Cabriolet & Coupe:
Harrington Group - Tel: +44 121 288 12 50 Web site: www.groupharrington.com Description: Absolutely beautiful quality bumper reproductions for 404 CC. Set can be purchased for around $900 USD and shipped from the UK to NA for $125.
Tire Providers for Peugeot 404 & Classic Cars:
Coker Tire: Website: www.cokertire.com Tel: 865-516-3215 / Address: 1317 Chestnut St · Chattanooga, TN 37402
Description: Large classic car tire provider in the USA that carries reasonably priced 165 x 15 Michelin XAS, XZX and other brands that fit. Shipping is reasonable and service great.
Longstone Tyres: website: http://www.longstonetyres.co.uk Description: Located in UK and provides Michelin classic tires and often they're cheaper than Coker and they provide free delivery, at least to Canada!
General Classic Car Renovation Supply:
Summit Racing: https://www.summitracing.com: Description: many helpful parts and restoration supplies available at reasonable prices. Used for simulation leather mat, metric adapters, switches, electric fuel pump, etc..
Rock Auto: http://www.rockauto.com: Description: Large auto parts catalog containing some Peugeot 404 specific parts. Very affordable and quick shipping.
Eastwood Auto Supply: http://www.eastwood.com/shop-equipment.html - Great source for renovation supplies such as insulating floor mat material, POR 15 rust proofing, gas tank repair kits, etc..
Insurance & Valuation for Classic Cars:
Hagerty Insurance (USA): www.hagerty.com. - Hagerty is one of the biggest and best classic car insurers. They are much more cost effective than conventional car insurance providers and offer a number of valued services for classic car owners. They allow you to name the value of your own car and also offer a variety of restoration and towing allowances.
Windshield and Glass Replacement:
It is getting very difficult to locate used or NOS 404 windshield in North America. There are a few still out there. You can try locating one via a classic car windshield broker in North American. Or you can look to order one from Europe. The Peugeot Museum offers laminated glass windshields for both the Coupé and Cabriolet, and will ship to NA.
Did we miss one of your recommended resources? Contact us below and let us know!